Audrey McGuckin2021-04-16T16:59:36+00:00The question that’s often top of mind for CEOs and HR Leaders is “how do we embed people strategies into our organization while at the same time growing [...]
The question that’s often top of mind for CEOs and HR Leaders is “how do we embed people strategies into our organization while at the same time growing [...]
There are many myths surrounding the needs of digital natives in the workplace. Cara Brigman is a digital native who works for Accenture. She is a Biomedical Engineering [...]
When an organization makes a decision to hire a new incoming executive, we find there are a few reasons for the hire; there’s something to be "fixed", [...]
Digital adoption can be intimidating for organizations. There are many technology considerations to wrestle with, but that’s not the whole story. Dana Landis, Leadership Talent Assessment and [...]
When you have the opportunity to ask some of the most interesting people on the planet about what digital means to them, the answers are fascinating. This [...]
I had the opportunity to interview some of the planet's most fascinating leaders on Digital and their implications. Board Members, CEO's, Chief Talent Officers, and Digital Natives. [...]
When we work in a complex Digital Era - not everything is black and white. Everyday we face dilemmas - I'll be sharing more of these with [...]